Did you know there are over one billion neurons in the spinal cord 😲!?
The spinal cord is responsible for connecting the peripheral nervous system to the brain and coordinating our spinal reflexes. Such an important structure must be well protected; thus, the spinal cord is surrounded by cerebral spinal fluid, meninges, ligaments, discs, muscles, and vertebral bones.
Our new spine model in Complete Anatomy shows in detail all these areas of the spine and more! For example, the spinal cord can now be cross sectioned showing how the white/gray matter change from superior to inferior position. We also provide correct scaling and shape of the spinal cord to account for important cervical and lumbosacral ligaments.
If you are familiar with our parts, surfaces, and landmarks functionality, you will notice all these have been improved along with the tracing functionality for arteries, veins, and nerves. With 500 neurovasculature structures enhanced, try following a distal peripheral nerve all the way back to the brain 🧠!
We must remember our spinal cords are one area in our body that does not repair itself when injured. It not only controls voluntary movement, but also involuntary movement such as breathing.
Injury to the spinal cord disrupts nerve transmissions from the injury down. The closer the injury is to the brain, the more irreparable damage caused. Hopefully, by understanding the spine’s anatomy you can help sustain a healthy nervous system along with maintaining good posture, a healthy diet and exercise🤸♀!
You can explore all of this and more in Complete Anatomy, try it for FREE today.