At the University of Buckingham Medical School, UK, Complete Anatomy bridges the gap between real cadaveric dissection and 2 dimensional textbooks. Dr. Erin Fillmore explains …
“The first week our medical students arrive at the University of Buckingham, they each receive their own individual iPads, where they will receive all of their curriculum content on the Complete Anatomy platform.
“ We found Complete Anatomy to be the absolute perfect solution … ”
We found Complete Anatomy to be the absolute perfect solution, not only because of the solid completeness of the product, but because it was so easy to integrate the platform into our curriculum.

One of the primary ways we share content with students is via Groups in Complete Anatomy. The class have their own Group, which makes it really easy for us to push new content to our students. The content automatically updates on the students’ iPads when they open Complete Anatomy. It makes sharing curriculum content so easy.
“ It makes sharing curriculum content so easy … ”
You can frontload the material — give it to them all at once — or your can do it in chunks, so that each week they’re given additional Screens and Quizzes. These Screens and Quizzes are an incredible learning aid, particularly because we can highlight and label structures that we think are important.

The drive for the University of Buckingham is not just an institutional one; it’s a drive we all have as individual teachers here at the university. It’s a drive that I have as an anatomist to deliver the best anatomical product there is for the students. That drive comes together with Complete Anatomy and the university’s vision of providing the best education that they can.
“ It’s the first application that bridges the gap between cadaveric dissection and the cartoon anatomical image … ”
Complete Anatomy is the first application that bridges the gap between cadaveric dissection and the cartoon anatomical image we have historically seen on the page. Nothing has come close to bridging that gap between the real human cadaveric dissection experience and trying to figure out what a structure is by looking at a picture of it, and that is why Complete Anatomy is truly revolutionary.”
See for yourself today how Complete Anatomy can transform anatomy learning in your classroom. Learn more about our Educator and Student Plus licenses today and try it for free.