Have you checked out Complete Anatomy’s new male pelvis yet? Available now is a brand new, fully remodeled and improved male pelvis!
To highlight its improved detail and accuracy, we have pulled together some side-by-side comparisons. With the help of subject matter experts, 3D artists and our medical team you can now see the effort that went into making the male pelvis just as impressive as what we have in our female model.

For example:
- We revisited the seminal glands and ampulla of the ductus deferens in the male pelvis and made them much more realistic. We wanted to show just how the tissue bends and bunches as fluid runs through it.
- We also have added more detail to the prostate with an outer fascia layer and its capsule now included. You will also now be able to view the prostate in a transverse cross section.
- The bladder now shows the different muscle layering’s of the organ when cross sectioned. As well as improved detail made to the inner rugae.
- The testis have been completely reworked. You can now see the lobules clearly and even slice through them with the cut tool.
- Lastly, the actual bone of the pelvis has been remodeled to reflect more accurate measurements and landmarks than was previously depicted.
With these improvements we hope you not only clearly understand the anatomy of the male pelvis, but also are able to relate its detail to what happens to these structures on a physiological level. Update Complete Anatomy today on all your devices!