The human brain is composed of a network of tiny cells called neurons, and each neuron is connected to each other via synapses.
For instance, if you wanted to share this post, your brain would utilize its motor area, to send a signal to each tiny little neuron. The signal travels via synapses to the corticospinal tract ( a channel that runs from the brain to the spinal cord) and from here the journey becomes interesting.
It travels through the Midbrain, the Pons and the Medulla. On reaching the Medulla, the signal crosses over a point called the Pyramidal Decussation, like it was crossing a highway ? From here it travels through the spinal cord and exits via the lower motor neuron.

At this point, the nerve forms another synapse with the muscles of your fingers: the Neuromuscular Junction. There are millions of these junctions connected to each of the muscle fibers of your fingers. These will signal to them to contract and relax using chemicals called neurotransmitters.
And there we go! You have shared this post ?
Within microseconds, billions of nerve messages are transmitted to and from the brain each day. Fascinating isn’t it?!