Complete Anatomy
Undergraduate Human Anatomy

About this course
By Dr Alan Detton, Erin Fillmore, Yasmin Carter Ph.D., Jennifer Burgoon, James Coey, Derek Harmon & Quentin Fogg
Undergraduate Human Anatomy is an interactive lecture based course studying terminology, tissues, skeleton, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the seven regions of the body. The regions of interest include: Back, Lower Limb, Upper Limb, Head/Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, and Pelvis. The focus of this course we will be to introduce many of the underlying concepts and principles related to human gross anatomy as appropriate for an undergraduate level of education.
Learning Outcomes
A student will be able to use anatomical terms correctly.
A student will be able to identify structures (e.g. bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs of the human body) on the cadavers and models of a given anatomical region.
A student will be able to relate the presented material with material discussed in lectures and textbooks.