Blood supply to the bone

Blood supply to the bone

Every 7 years our skeletal system replenishes itself from collagen in our bones. Not only does our skeleton allow us to move, but it protects our organs, manufactures blood cells, and regulates minerals to help our entire body function. ?Leer artículo

Course: Kinesiology Taping

Course: Kinesiology Taping

Welcome to the Kinesiology Taping course! This interactive Course looks at the uses and benefits of kinesiology taping for the lower limb and pelvis in six engaging lectures.Leer artículo

Course: Cadaveric Images

Course: Cadaveric Images

Did you know that your Student license includes a cadaveric image library of over 200 images that you can correlate to the 3D model? This Course, created by Mark Nielson at the University of Utah, is designed to supplement anatomy courses that teach through cadaveric study.Leer artículo

Andreas Vesalius – The father of modern anatomy

Andreas Vesalius – The father of modern anatomy

We often hear of crazy medieval medical practices performed on patients. Procedures such as bloodletting ?, putting dung on an open wound ?, or boring holes into the skull to cure illness ?. At that time, it was believed the body was comprised of four humors, astrology had to be confronted before deciding on a treatment plan, or small bobbles could act has magical healing charms. Leer artículo

Undergraduate Human Anatomy: Systemic

Undergraduate Human Anatomy: Systemic

Taught by a team of top anatomical experts from leading universities, this systemic anatomy course in undergraduate human anatomy guides you through an introduction to key concepts and principles of human gross anatomy, covering the main body systems in respective modules.Leer artículo

Anatomy of the aging face

Anatomy of the aging face

One of the inevitable facts of life is that we all grow older. Ultimately with aging comes many changes to our body. One of these being the dreaded onset of wrinkles and sagging of our face. ??Leer artículo