我们听到了您的需求:更快、更容易地访问您的内容,并就此对软件进行了优化。 阅读详情
我们听到了您的需求:更快、更容易地访问您的内容,并就此对软件进行了优化。 阅读详情
一切触手可及:我们与解剖教育产品的黄金标准 – 格氏解剖学合作开发的第一个虚拟解剖课程。 阅读详情
Get ready for something totally new from Complete Anatomy as the first release of our new in-app languages has just landed!阅读详情
It’s competition time! Read on to find out more …阅读详情
❤️ Ever wondered why the symbol of the heart is so anatomically inaccurate to the real thing?? How can chemistry explain “What is love?” and the feeling of endearment?? What causes “broken-heart” syndrome? We like to look at affairs of the heart from a slightly different perspective. Read on to find out more. The origin […]阅读详情
Transform your learning in 2021 with the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform. Let’s dive in to find out what new updates landed in January! New: Radiology region – upper limb See how you can study the radiology of the upper limb and correlate its structure to the 3D model. Facilitate your ability to link your […]阅读详情
Amy Morgan is a second year medical student in Trinity College, Ireland. Learn first-hand from Amy how Complete Anatomy is helping her ace her med school exams. I’ve always wanted to be a doctor since I was probably seven or eight years old. I’ve always had a passion about how the body works and how […]阅读详情
Looking back over the last 12 months, 2020 has certainly been the year of the educator for us at Complete Anatomy HQ. The team have listened to your feedback and taken on board your suggestions in order to consistently enhance your user experience and deliver the best in 3D anatomy learning. 阅读详情
What a year this has been! 2020 has brought so much uncertainty and change into our daily lives. Zoom and Facetime are our new normal, while TikTok keeps a smile on our faces. In what has been a crazy year, we want to look back at how Complete Anatomy has taken you to the next level in your learning.阅读详情