How vaccines work

How vaccines work

With an increase in discussion surrounding a potential vaccine for COVID-19, comes a growing amount of vaccine misinformation. Today we want to talk about how vaccines work.阅读详情

Holding our food down: Peristalsis

Holding our food down: Peristalsis

Have you ever wondered how an astronaut in space swallows food, or how you can drink a cola during a handstand, even with the force of gravity working against you? The answer is peristalsis, and we’ll explore it today alongside a SNEAK PEEK of our revamped Head & Neck model.阅读详情

Course: Abraham’s Clinical Human Anatomy

Course: Abraham’s Clinical Human Anatomy

Welcome to Abraham’s Clinical Human Anatomy Course. This Course includes 500 exceptional clinical images, collected by the leading international anatomist, professor Peter Abrahams throughout his career, and collated in an interactive Lecture series by skilled anatomical experts at the Complete Anatomy educational team.阅读详情

Anatomy of the thyroid

Anatomy of the thyroid

Within our neck lies a small butterfly-shaped gland that works with multiple parts of our body ?. This gland is the thyroid. It sits just below the larynx and is comprised of two lobes. These lobes rest on the trachea and together weigh less than an ounce.阅读详情