My name is Dr. Maurice Neligan and I’m a fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon. I have held a Professional license for Complete Anatomy since 2015.
It’s been shown time and time again, that an engaged patient is one that does better in the long run. Using the interactive nature of Complete Anatomy and the animations that are supplied in-app, it makes it so easy for me to explain a patient’s condition or treatment to them in a way that they can grasp and understand.
“ You get that lightbulb moment with patients where they look at you and they say ‘I get it!’ ”
Using Complete anatomy I know they are going to leave with a much better 3D understanding of what the problem is, rather than the traditional pen and paper drawings that we did in the past. You get that lightbulb moment with patients where they look at it and they say ‘I get it!’.
Complete Anatomy is very intuitive and easy to use. I am able to demonstrate both the pathology and the treatment plan very clearly to the patient, using the high-quality 3D graphics, in information that is easy to absorb. Combined with the patient’s own personal imaging, it’s a very powerful tool indeed.
There’s a library of templates (Screens) in the Complete Anatomy that you use straight away, depending on what your specialty is. In addition, you can formulate those templates yourself, and quickly create and save setups of the 3D model to bring into your consultation. It’s a feature of the app that makes the tool very quick and easy to use.

Both the accuracy of the anatomical model and the animations are best in class. We use physician assistants and nurse practitioners to complement our practice, and they’re all trained in the use of Complete Anatomy. We found that this has been a powerful way to use it in the hospital.
“ In 1 minute you can demonstrate something that would normally take 20 minutes to explain ”
I’ve used Complete Anatomy in presentations for professional colleagues, for patients, and also for the general public. In 1 minute you can demonstrate something that would normally take 20 minutes to explain.
I absolutely believe that this is the future. Patients are going to demand to be more empowered and more engaged, and this is the way that it’s going to happen. Complete Anatomy is the future of patient education.

Transform your clinical practice today with a Professional License for Complete Anatomy. See for yourself with a free 3-day trial today.