Hyposmia (a decreased ability to smell) or anosmia (an inability to smell), are very common conditions. However, the prevalence of these conditions has increased significantly since the outbreak of COVID-19. READ POST
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Hyposmia (a decreased ability to smell) or anosmia (an inability to smell), are very common conditions. However, the prevalence of these conditions has increased significantly since the outbreak of COVID-19. READ POST
Did you know that without a rib cage, the heart and lungs would not stay in place and it would be virtually impossible to breathe?READ POST
Explore a suite of radiology images and correlate their structures to the 3D model. Let’s dive in to find out more!READ POST
The eye is an amazing and complex structure ?. In fact, the only other organ that’s more complex than is the brain. Incredibly, the eye is made up of over 2 million working parts — the optic nerve alone contains between 770,000 and 1.7 million nerve fibers ?.READ POST
In 2015, scientists working in Ethiopia found the earliest known fossil of the ancestral line of humans. This fossil was of the mandible, also known as our jawbone.READ POST
Our biggest release to date has landed on all platforms! Be sure to update your app to experience a whole new world of anatomy content. Here’s just some of the things we’ve packed into our latest release.READ POST
Did you know humans are capable of making 10,000 unique facial expressions ????!READ POST
Hearing loss is the partial or total inability to hear sounds. This is associated with a variety of factors and can occur suddenly or develop over time. READ POST
Have you ever taken a photo with friends, but then on a closer look your eyes come out piercing red ?? Red eyes in photos are caused by the light from the flash bouncing off the capillaries in your eyes ?! READ POST
Did that title get you tongue-tied? ? You may have heard the common myth that the tongue is the strongest muscle in your body ?. However, this is in fact untrue.READ POST